Just a quick post before work takes over my life again...
My first summer of art school kind of ended on an anti-climactic note, partially because it was online and I felt like I wasn't getting much out of it. Of course everyone says that it's up to you how much you want to get out of the class, but knowing myself, it takes a lot of self motivation and "Big Brother is Watching You!" pressure for me to understand something, much less feel accomplished from it. My biggest example is the drawing class, waiting for grades every two weeks from the professor, only to realize that my technique is completely wrong. It didn't help that I had to turn in multiple projects every 3 days. So at some point I just stopped trying my hardest and just worried about making deadlines. Is that supposed to be conducive to great art? I feel like I'm missing something. I noticed that my inspiration for artwork was shrinking over the summer because I felt paranoid and stupid about the art I was making. Do all art students feel this way when they first start out?
Hah. Well I know I can't just sit on my butt and wait for inspiration to come along. And I definitely cannot afford another C+, especially if I want to make brilliant things like this: