Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Modern Family

- I practiced my cartooning skillz with a show I really like! Image reference was used. =)

- BONUS DRAWING: I also practiced with ball point pen on my cat as he was napping.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Published Cartoonist? Where!?

You're looking at her!!!

Seriously... I'm still kinda beaming about this little surprise that came after I returned from Winter Break. I was almost going to toss that envelope, because it didn't have a return address and I figured it was junk mail. But I opened it anyway, and as it turned out... it was from the people at Student, where I had entered their annual Cartooning Contest! Even though I didn't win the top prizes, they still wanted to use one of my pieces for their upcoming newsletter!

And they paid me for my work!!!

For a girl who's simply been doing comics for fun the past two years, this is HUGE!!! I'm in such awe of how far I've come. I'll definitely be bookmarking this news in my art career. =)

Anyway... this week has been pretty art-centric with the high school kids. I taught a full week of Figure Drawing for 12 really talented kids. I was a bit hesitant to teach after not having managed a classroom in 3 years, but it was very very pleasant. It's awesome when you have students who actually want to learn and be challenged - especially in a subject they hardly get to work with! It kind of kept me on my toes, and I got to use PowerPoint for the first time in over 10 years.

Today the kids got to display their work for the school's art exhibition, and I was so proud of their progress. It's definitely a great feeling to know you helped a kid improve on their creativity.

Such a great week!