Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What happened to March?

(So excited for this film, and the Japanese poster is inspiring me to learn the language)

Seriously, this month is just flying by, which means that a fourth of the year is already over!

I don't know how I feel about this, but I do feel like my life in Chicago has been jumping from good moments to not so great moments. Financially, I'm doing okay (breaking even for the first time in 6 months!) and I have two part-time jobs that are getting me by. I already know that I don't want to live off of minimum wage, and I want to make myself proud as much as everyone else.

Sadly, I haven't been able to do much creative stuff this month, but the ideas keep rolling. I suppose that's the tricky part to being an artist - you can't just wait for the ideas to be fully fleshed-out before taking the time to write them or draw them. I'm excited for April because I'll be participating in "Script Frenzy" where I'll be drawing 100 pages of a graphic novel in the span of 30 days. With a 39-hour work week, learning Japanese, volunteering at a Literacy Center, and training for a half-marathon at the end of April, and my birthday plans (!)... this is not going to be easy.

Things to do for April:
-celebrate the anniversary of my quitting art school by drawing every day for "Script Frenzy."
-turn 28. Bake my own cake.
-run my first half-marathon.
-successfully translate the BRAVE poster in Japanese.
-write a comedy script.
-get back into Yoga and Dancing.
-use my tax refund for something fun. Maybe a vacation. Or a MacBook Pro.

In other news, The Hunger Games film rocked! =)

Saturday, March 3, 2012